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About SystemAdmin

SystemAdmin (System Administrator) is a local small business in Port Elizabeth, focusing on IT and Security Service Solutions for small to large clients. With a great support Alliance with other Local Small Businesses and National Suppliers, we have access to a range of products and services, to add immense value and offer unique, cost effect solutions to meet customer needs.

We strive to do business the right way.

“A business that makes nothing but money is a poor kind of business.” Henry Ford

 We strongly believe that the success of SystemAdmin (System Administrator) depends largely on the relations we build with individuals as well as companies. We pride ourselves on the services we offer as well as the products we offer our clients. We consider our clientele to be our most important asset and therefore we make every effort to exceed all expectations. We offer our clients a wide range of services from consultation to ongoing support. 

We believe, with impeccable customer service and support, our reputation and customer loyalty will ultimately expand!

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